Equalities Pledge

The Croydon Equalities Pledge consists of 10 workplace activities to ensure everyone within the organisation are treated fairly. This will focus on disability, gender, faith, sexual orientation, race and age. To implement these activities there will be mandatory equalities and bias training, fairer recruitment processes and accessible spaces for those with a physical disability.

Organisations participating, including Legacy Youth Zone, are encouraged to commit to a minimum of three activities per year to ensure effective change is made at all levels within the business.

Barnabas Shelbourne, CEO for Legacy Youth Zone said: “Being part of Croydon’s Equality Pledge means that, along with other local organisations, we commit to fairness, equality and opportunities for all regardless of their background including race, religion, or gender.

“It is important for us to take action now and show the next generation that positive change can and will happen when it comes to discrimination, racism and unconscious bias. At Legacy Youth Zone, we’re committed to this Equality Pledge for our staff, volunteers and young people’s futures across Croydon.”